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Wake up America! Wake up World! What happened to the Republic?

English Grammar

Scroll down for more articles under Speaking English.

Active Voice and Passive Voice I

Active Voice and Passive Voice II

Adverb or Adjective? Do it more quickly; not, Do it quicker

An versus A, I

An versus A, II

Clauses I: independent, main, and subordinate clauses, etc.

Clauses II: restrictive, nonrestrictive, and noun clauses, etc.

Clauses III: adjectival and adverbial clauses

Commas: 12 Major Uses Explained

Commas: Use a Comma before a Name

Comparisons: As … as

Comparisons: Missing Words

Comparisons: Taller than

Comprised Of

Continue On

Different from, Different than, Different to

Either or, Neither nor

Fewer or Less Than?

Fragments (Sentence Fragments)

Misplaced Modifiers

Monthly Anniversary

Only: Misplacement and Correction

Parts of Speech

Phrases I: noun and appositive phrases

Phrases II: gerund, adjectival, and participial phrases

Phrases III: verb, infinitive, and adverbial phrases

Phrases IV: prepositional phrases

Phrases V: prepositional and absolute phrases

Plan On or Plan To?

Plus: Starting a Sentence With Plus

Prepositions: Compound or Phrasal Prepositions

Prepositions: How to Choose the Right Preposition

Prepositions: How to Understand What Prepositions Are Doing


Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement I

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement II

Pronouns: Myself: How to Use Reflexive Pronouns

Pronouns: Relative Pronouns: That, Which I

Pronouns: Relative Pronouns: That, Which II

Pronouns: Relative Pronouns: Who versus That

Pronouns: Relative Pronouns: Who, Whom

Reason Why is Because

Run-on Sentences

Save Big!

Sentence Fragments

Sentence Structure I: Simple Sentences

Sentence Structure II: Compound Sentences

Sentence Structure III: Complex Sentences

Sentence Structure IV: Complex-Compound Sentences

Sentence Structure V: Normal Prose

So therefore

Subject-Verb Agreement I

Subject-Verb Agreement II

Subject-Verb Agreement III

Subject-Verb Agreement IV: The Prepositional-Phrase Problem

Subjunctive Mood I

Subjunctive Mood II

Subjunctive Mood III

Suppose to or Supposed to?

The Apostrophe with Possessive Nouns but Not Attributive Nouns

Use to or Used to?

Verbals: Gerunds, Infinitives, Participles, I

Verbals: Gerunds, Infinitives, Participles, II

Verb Tenses

Would of; Should of; Could of

Writing Responsibly on the Internet


Speaking English

Adverbs: -ly and flat adverbs I

Adverbs: -ly and flat adverbs II

Can I, May I

Couple (Couple of)

Don’t, Doesn’t

Ending a Sentence with a Preposition

Halloween, Holloween

Lay-Lie Difference

Mischievous, Mischievious

Most Everyone … Most Everybody

Often: Silent or Spoken t?

Pronunciation of “Read”: “Reed” or “Red”?

Repetition: Eliminating the Habit of Repetition

Shut Up!

Snuck or Sneaked?

Suppose to or Supposed to?

Wanna or Want to?

Way: way too much; way less

Went or Gone? Forms of Verbs

Who or Whom?

You and I or You and Me?

You Better Do This, or You HAD Better Do This?